Ronan Hunt is a deep space astrophotographer living in Ireland. Here he battles inclement weather to observe deep space objects over many days and nights to present beautiful vistas of deep space galaxies and nebula. When not at home operating his telescope he also like to travel to dark sky locations around Ireland and abroad to shoot landscape astrophotography.
When not star gazing he'll be designing intricate structures or surfing.
Regularly featured in Astronomy Ireland
My best space images are added to foundation periodically. Generally taking between 1-2 months to complete with multiple nights of exposure and image processing, these images are my best attempt to share the beauty of the wider universe from my backyard.
I've minted one image of The Triangulum Galaxy on Tux art as a CC0 image, once the auction begins I will release the raw data to be publicly available to allow the astrophotography community and anyone interested to use it to create images as they see fit.
A collection of space images taken with a simple dslr, telephoto lens and an entry level star tracker. This shares images that can be achieved without expensive telescopes and dedicated astronomy cameras.
Mullingar, Westmeath, Ireland
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