The beauty of our planet is often seen at eye level....what we can see, we can appreciate!
Frank White coined the term “Overview Effect” to describe the cognitive shift in awareness that results from the experience of viewing Earth from orbit or the moon. While I may not be viewing our planet from space - I aim to visit the concept of the 'overview effect' in my work.
I seek out textures, patterns and all things abstract that have been placed (or hidden) on this planet. Utilizing aerial photography to provide that unique view.
Creating Aerial Art and Showcasing California from an Aerial Perspective this collection displays the range of my work.
This collection looks at finding a new way to view the patterns that exist around us.
A study of the constructed shapes and patterns that exist around us but are missed at eye level.
Collectibles Natural Collection | View on Sloika
A study of the natural shapes and patterns that exist around us but are missed at eye level.
Orange County, California, United States
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